Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Improved Fast Decoupled Power Flow

The power flow analysis is a very important and tundamental tool in power system analysis. Its results play the major role during the operational stages of any system for its control and economic schedule, as well as during expansion and design stages The purpose of any load flow analysis is to compute precise steady-state voltages and voltage angles of all buses in the network, the real and reactive power flows into every line and transformer, under the assumption of known generation and load.During the second half of the twentieth century, and after the large technological evelopments in the fields of digital computers and high-level programming languages, many methods for solving the load flow problem have been developed, such as indirect Gauss-Siedel (bus admittance matrix). direct Gauss-Siedel (bus impedance matrix).Newton-Raphson (NR) and its decoupled versions Nowadays, many Improvements have been added to all these methods involving assumptions and approximations of the trans mission lines and bus data, based on real systems conditions The Fast Decoupled Power Flow Method (FDPFM) is one of these improved methods, which was based on a simplification of the Newton-Raphson method and reported by Stott and Alsac in 1974[4]. This method and due to its calculations simplifications, fast convergence and reliable results became the most widely used method in load flow analysis.However, FDPFM for some cases, where high RA ratios or heavy loading (Low Voltage) at some buses are present, does not converge well. For these cases, many efforts and developments have been made to overcome these convergence obstacles. some of them targeted the convergence of systems with hgh RIX ratios, others those with low voltage buses However, one of the most recent developments is a Robust Fast Decoupled Power Flow developed by Wang and u; it Is ased on heuristic justification and general voltage normalization methods [171 and solves both high RIX ratios and low bus voltages problem s simultaneously.Though many efforts and elaborations have been achieved in order to improve the and simulations are becoming more developed and are now able to handle and analyze large size system. Today, and after reaching processor's speeds higher than 3 GHz, any improvement in the speed of convergence of the power flow method, provided it leads to reliable results, is of great value. This speed improvement is very important when involved in operational stages of power distribution, where any illisecond saving can hugely increase the probability of the right decision, of the control and dispatch computerized system.This paper works on providing computing savings (in flops) and thus higher speed of convergence of the FDPFM based on the initial approximation in which real power changes are considered to be most sensitive to variations in voltage angle and much less to those of voltage magnitude, as well as on the high sensitivity of reactive power changes to variations in voltage m agnitude and much less to those of voltage angle. In this paper, the attention was focused on the update of the voltage angle (6) and oltage magnitude (V) in each iteration, based on the improvement of flops achieved, and obviously on the results obtained.The results of these improvements and the comparative analysis with the Newton-Raphson and classical FDPFM will be presented using the three IEEE bus systems of 14, 30 and 57-bus, although the IFDPFM can be applied to any size bus system. II. Fast Decoupled Power Flow Method As the FDPFM is derived from the Newton-Raphson we will start from the matrix representation of NR, apply some simplifications and approximations, to reach the equations of the FDPFM.The matrix representation of the N-R method [17] is: O APOOH Where I IVJI IYiJl +6]) And -2 cos Bit +2 cos -6i +6]) Nii – = I VI II YiJ I cos (B iJ- 6i + 6]) Nil (7) -2 IYiil stn +2 IVJI IYiJl cos -6i +6]) Now, for typical power system branches: XIR and ; 200 (10) between AQ and A6, hence N and J entries of the initial matrix of (1) can be ignored leading to the following decoupled equations: (12) Now, the diagonal elements of H according to Stott and Alsac [4] can be written as: IVi12Bii (13) Where Bii = I Yill sin Bii is the imaginary part of the diagonal elements of the bus admittance matrix Ybus.Further simplifications can be applied to equation (12), by considering Bii Qi and I Vil 2 z I Vil yielding to the following simplified Hit: Hii=- (14) Also, as under normal operating conditions 6] – 6i is quite small, thus Bii – 6i + 6] Bit, and IVJI 1, the off-diagonal elements of the matrix H can be written as: HIJ I Vil (15) Similarly, the diagonal elements of the L matrix can be written as: Lil † (16) And its off- diagonal elements as: LiJ=-lVll (17) Applying these assumptions to equations (11) and (12) we get: =-B'A6 I vil (18) (19) where B' and B† are the imaginary part of the bus admittance matrix Ybus , such thatB' contain s all buses admittances except those related to the slack bus, and B† is B' deprived from all voltage-controlled buses related admittances. Finally, all these approximations and simplifications lead to the following successive voltage magnitude and voltage angle updating equations: (20) IVI (21) These equations formed the basis of the iteration scheme upon which the Matlab software written and then updated. Ill.Updated Algorithm The algorithm written according to the equations derived in the previous section is as follows: Step 1: Creation of the bus admittance Ybus according to the lines data given y the IEEE standard bus test systems. Step 2: Detection of all kinds and numbers of buses according to the bus data given by the IEEE standard bus test systems, setting all bus voltages to an initial value of 1 pu, all voltage angles to O, and the iteration counter iter to O.Step 3: Creation of the matrices B' and B† according to equations (18) and (19). Step 4: If max (AP, A Q) accuracy then Go to Step 6 else 1. Calculation of the H and L elements of equations (14), (1 5), (16), (17). 2. Calculation of the real and reactive power at each bus, and checking if Mvar of generator buses re within the limits, otherwise update the voltage magnitude at these buses by ? ±2 3. Calculation of the power residuals, AP and AQ. 4.Calculation of the bus voltage and voltage angle updates AV and A6 according to equations (19) and (20). 5. Update of the voltage magnitude V and the voltage angle 6 at each bus. 6. Increment of the iteration counter iter = iter + 1 then Go to Step 4 Print out ‘Solution did not converge' and go to Step 6 Step 6: Print out of the power flow solution, computation and display of the line flow and losses. The update of this algorithm was based on the weak coupling between AP and AV, nd between AQ and A6, explained in the previous section.Specifically, in the fourth subroutine of Step 4 of the initial algorithm, and instead of updating the voltage magnitude and the voltage angle once and simultaneously in each iteration, the improved algorithm updated either the voltage angle or the voltage magnitude at each bus, Jumped to subroutine 1 to recalculate the real and reactive power and then updated the second variable based on what was updated first.Moreover, and for more speed improvements and convergence reliability, the update of one of the two variables was repeated several times, holding the other ariable at its last calculated value, which reduced the number of floating point operations of the algorithm and thus lead to the faster convergence of the IFDPFM. IV. Numerical Analysis The performance of the IFDPFM was tested on IEEE 14, 30 and 57-bus systems with a convergence accuracy of 10-3 on a MVA base of 100 or equivalently 10-1 MVA for both power residuals AP and AQ.This numerical analysis involved a speed comparison between the NR method, the FDPFM and the IFDPFM based on the number of flops (floating point oper ations) of each algorithm implementing each method, rather than on any other basis, because he flops count is independent from the CPU speed or the specific programming language used. In addition, as mentioned in the previous part, the algorithm of this paper updated the voltage angle several times before updating the voltage magnitude or vice versa which resulted in a different flops count for each combination used for the same IEEE bus system.These combinations will be noted according to the number of loops of update of each variable. For instance, updating twice the voltage angle (6) and then once the voltage magnitude (V) in the same iteration will be written as (2;1). Note that any flops number without the previous notation will be the one of the best case of the updated algorithm. Moreover, for any combination to be listed in this paper it should have satisfied the condition of no more than 3 % deviation of its results from that of the NR method.The bar graph in Figure 1 shows a comparison based on the number of flops between the NR, FDPFM and the best case of IFDPFM for the three IEEE standard bus systems used in this paper. Number of flops per method per system 934. 573 305. 126 314. 925 157. 310 System 57 4,421. 752 2,841. 646 14 30. 823 56. 829 24. 574 1 ,ooo ,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 Flops IFDPFM FDPFM 4,000 4,500 (Thousands) Fig. 1: Flops Comparison between the 3 methods. It is clearly seen that the IFDPFM requires much less flops to converge as compared to FDPFM or NR.This flops saving is proportional to the system size and as shown, increases with the increase of the number of buses. Obviously, this improvement in the number of flops will make the IFDPFM converge much faster than the two other methods whatever CPU used. Numerically, and for the biggest system involved in this paper (IEEE 57-Bus System), the IFDPFM revealed a flops saving of about 67 % when ompared with the FDPFM and about 78 % when compared with the NR.Normally, and as mentioned bef ore, this saving goes down to the order of 50 % for the two smaller bus systems. In addition, and in order to reach the best case presented above, different strategies of updating the voltage angle (6) and the voltage magnitude (V) were tested and compared first with the FDPFM then with the NR. Figure 2 below the percentage of flops of IFDPFM versus that of the FDPFM, for 10 different updating strategies and for the three IEEE systems.Percentage Flops IFDPFM vs FDPFM 75 50 25 Delta;Voltage Loops IFDPFM14 IFDPFM30 IFDPFM57 Fig. 2: % of flops of IFDPFM vs. FDPFM for different voltage angle and voltage magnitude updating strategies. At the first look, it is seen that for the three systems, three parallel curves are sketched with most values less then 75 % of the FDPFM. This parallel property of this graph shows the consistency of the algorithm in its number of flops variation for each strategy for each system studied.Also, it is seen that for low number of voltage magnitude and voltage angle loops the IFDPFM can't be more efficient than FDPFM, but for a slightly higher number the IFDPFM shows great improvement in flops saving nd reaches the highest improvement at the point (4;3), where in each iteration, the voltage angle was updated four times while the voltage was kept at its initial value and then 6 was kept at its last value and V updated three times.Numerically, and for the best case of IFDPFM (4;3), the new algorithm showed a flops saving of 57 % for the 14-bus system, 50% for the 30-bus system, and 68% for the 57-bus system. Figure 3 below shows the percentage of flops of IFDPFM versus that of the NR, for 10 different updating strategies and for the three IEEE systems. IFDPFM vs NR 175 150 25 Fig. 3: % of flops of IFDPFM vs. NR for different voltage angle and voltage magnitude updating strategies.Basically, the same comments of the comparison of IFDPFM with FDPFM apply in this comparison. However, here the flops saving is much more significant and is propo rtional to the system size. Numerically, we have a 21 % flops saving for the 14-bus system, 49 % for the 30-bus system and 78% for the 57-bus system. Finally, it is remarked that when compared with NR, IFDPFM savings showed a high variation in their percentage, mainly because they are highly proportional to the

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Pestle, Porter and SWOT analysis of Lukoil Essay

LUKOIL, a vertically integrated oil company, and carries out exploration, acquisition, integration and subsequent efficient development of oil and gas fields outside the Russian Federation to facilitate the transformation of LUKOIL into a transnational energy corporation. LUKOIL operates in 25 countries (the most major of them are Russia, Azerbaijan, USA, Georgia, Turkey and Czech Republic). Net income in 2013 is $3.105 billion. Basic earnings per share – $4.11. The Company’s 2012 net income rose by 6.2% and reached record $11,004 billion. EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortization) rose by 1.7% and reached $18,915 billion. Sales revenues were $139,171 billion (+4.1% y-o-y). In 2013 Forbes estimated LUKOIL as #43 in Sales, #34 in Profit, #254 in Assets, #139 in Market value. According to these data we can assume, that LUKOIL is successful Russian company with a lot of strengths, like good prospects regarding financial indicators. And fortu nately, it doesn ´t need any financing. Usually, the company invests in different projects regarding environmental protection and  employee ´s support. 2. Mission and Vision Mission: â€Å"The Company’s mission consists in increasing shareholder value through the exploration and production of hydrocarbons outside Russia.† My vision of the situation is that company wants to be a reliable supplier of hydrocarbons on the international market. Moreover, Lukoil has a purpose to support economic growth and social stability in long-term prospects. Thus, it has some main aims such as to achieve reputation of a reliable and dependable hydrocarbon supplier in the world; to deliver high-quality petroleum products to end-users; to ensure long-term sustainable growth; to reach leading position on the market; My formulation of the mission: Lukoil as a company in the oil and gas industry using natural energy recourses is trying to be a leader in the international market by reducing costs, increasing operations and stabling social aspects. Vision: â€Å"The company wants to be world’s leader in oil and gas sector by first-class services to our customers, effective HR policy, reliable and positive image of the company, effective environmental policy, optimization of the operational efficiency, decrease of the operational costs, sustain high-profit level.† In conclusion, company’s mission determines a purpose within the organization; provides standards for allocating organizational resources; establishes a general organizational climate; shows purpose and direction. Consequently, mission and vision are clear and give a lot of advantage. 3. Macro-environment (PESTLE) At the beginning of this part, it is necessary to mention some relevant facts: Population in Russia: 139mln Area: 17mln sq. km Time zones: GMT +2 to +11 9th largest economy in the world in terms of GDP, reaching USD 2014,8 bn 2013 Exports and Imports exceed 50% GDP Highest GDP per capita among BRICS countries Winter Olympic Games 2014 in Sochi 2012 and FIFA World Cup 2018 are coming 1. GDP Figure 2.1 Real GDP As we can see on the Figure 2.1 Real GDP has a tendency to grow up. Moreover, the present value of Real GDP is about 2014.8 USD billion which is the highest point during the history. Real GDP had been increased up to more than 6% in comparison with the previous period Contemporary situation in economy, especially in Real GDP, shows the opportunity for a company to increase production, because higher GDP means higher consumer expenditures; in turn, it is an alleviating competitive pressure within industry, then it’s the potential for expansion. As we can see GDP is constantly growing that means an opportunity to have higher revenues for LUKOIL Company because people have a higher profits and respectively higher consumer expenditures. 2. Interest rate The interest rate in Russia was last recorded at 5.50 percent. Interest Rate in Russia is reported by the Central Bank of Russia. It is quite high interest rate in comparison with for instance European countries. The average interest rate in Europe is 0.25%. For LUKOIL it is a threat of decreasing the company’s sales, because during high interest rate potential consumers tend to spend less (borrowings become more expensive). Therefore the consumer purchasing power is quite low and company’s sales will be decreased. Figure 2.2 Russia interest rate 3. Inflation rate Figure 2.4 Russia inflation rate Figure 2.5 Petroleum price RUB per liter As we can see Figure 2.4 and Figure 2.5, the oil price and rate of inflation  are connected directly: when oil price goes up, the inflation follows in the same direction. We can explain it by that the oil is the major input in economy (oil is used for manufacturing and transportation). The inflation rate in Russia was recorded at 6.30 percent in October of 2013. It has a positive impact on Oil and Gas industry. LUKOIL can estimate future profit more accurate and eliminate several risks which effected by the oil price and inflation rate. 4. Unemployment rate Figure 2.5 Russia unemployment rate At the moment the rate is 5,5%. And the tendency has a declining character. Thus it could be opportunity to find high-qualified employees. There is a competition on a labor market. 5. Reservoirs of oil Russia is the first country in the world in crude oil production. Its share is 12%. This indicator makes the country attractive for the investors. Consequently, LUKOIL could use positive investment climate of Russia as the company’s benefit. 6. Taxes Nowadays there are three main taxes which have influence on economic in Russia: a) Corporate tax rate – 20% b) Personal income tax rate – 13% c) Sales tax rate – 18% Accordingly to these indicators the corporate tax rate is quite low in comparison with Japan – 38,01%, United Arab Emirates – 55%, US – 35%. Therefore, it is opportunity to increase a profit (low taxes increase net profit). We are analyzing oil and gas industry in Russia. Fortunately most of deposits are situated in cold geographical areas like Tyumen Region, called Extreme North or Far North. Government gives a lot of benefits like people who work there are used to receive an extra grade of payment, referred to as the â€Å"Northern Bonus†, as well as other benefits, including extra vacation, extra disability benefits, extra retirement benefits, and housing benefits. LUKOIL won’t increase outflow of money into pension funds  etc. 4. Technological factors (PESTLE) New technologies are an important competitive advantage of LUKOIL Group. Key technological aspects: 1. The company conducts R&D to develop new technologies and upgrade the existing ones. 2. Cooperation with national projects is actively developing, including the Skolkovo innovation project and the RUSNANO Corporation. 3. Great attention is paid to developing information technologies and improving business processes. 4. The total financing of scientific and technical works in 2012 amounted to US$ 150 million. It is opportunity to use own technology and ability to exclude costs for using technologies from elsewhere. 5. Environmental factors (PESTLE) Waste disposal Russia drowns in 60 million tons of garbage a year. It is serious problem in waste disposal issue. Today, only 11% of the whole volume is recycled. Unfortunately, it is substantial evidence of contemporary problem and the threat for environment. LUKOIL uses chemicals for production, which could be statutory restrictions by the government for environmental protection. It is the threat for company of activities’ restriction. Pollution Oil and Gas industry damages nature by pollution. Many risks occur like spilling of oil into the sea or into the ocean. In this case LUKOIL will pay damage to nature and spoil its reputation. Consequently, LUKOIL should take into account all risks and try to avoid them. Climate There is the dominance of the continental climate on the territory of the country. Russia faced to one serious problem during springs. It is flood. For oil industry it could be a relevant threat because it directly depends on transportation, for instance if roads are damaged it is becoming complicated to transport oil to different regions. 6. Political factors (PESTLE) Strictly speaking, two of the most dangerous threats are the high level of corruption and terrorism. High level of corruption Russia is ranked 127th out of 175 countries in Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index in 2013. This score indicates the perceived level of public sector corruption in a country or territory. Terrorism There is a terrorist war aimed at destabilizing Russia politically and economically. Few weeks ago there was the 3rd terrorist attack in Volgograd during last 2 months. Membership in World Trade Organization In August 2012, Russia officially became a World Trade Organization member. Moreover, European Union contributes half of Russia trade flows. It is opportunity of simplified international market access with the purpose of trade and it is opportunity of hiring professional and administrative staff on fixed term contracts. Index of Economic Freedom Index of Economic Freedom in Russia is 51.3 out of 100 and it ranked as mostly unfree. These ranking means that the country is not attractive to do business and indicates a low possibility of obtaining investment. Thus, it is a threat for LUKOIL, it will be difficult to attract foreign investors. Protection of property rights It is an opportunity to protect LUKOIL’s innovations and to get patent. 7. Legal factors (PESTLE) The following laws of the Russian Federation form the main legal framework of the oil and gas industry: Constitution of the Russian Federation. Federal Law On Subsoil (Subsoil Law). Federal Law On Gas Supply in the Russian Federation (Gas Supply Law). Federal Law On Natural Monopolies. Federal Law On the Continental Shelf of the Russian Federation. Federal Law On Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency. Federal Law On Production Sharing Agreements. The following federal laws are also relevant to the legal framework of the natural resources industry of the Russian Federation: The Codes of the Russian Federation, including the Civil Code, Land Code, Water Code, Forest Code, Tax Code, Code on Administrative Violations and Criminal Code. Federal Law on Environmental Protection. Federal Law on Ecological Expertise. Supreme Council Regulations on the Procedure of Enactment of the Provisions on the Procedure of Licensing of the Subsoil Use of 1992 (Subsoil Use Licensing Regulations). The fundamental rights that are guaranteed to each Russian citizen are: All people shall be equal before the law and court. The State shall guarantee the equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen, regardless of sex, race, nationality, language, origin, property and official status, place of residence, religion, convictions, membership of public associations, and also of other circumstances. All forms of limitations of human rights on social, racial, national, linguistic or religious grounds shall be banned. Man and woman shall enjoy equal rights and freedoms and have equal possibilities to exercise them. That means that Lukoil should take into account all this rights and keep it in mind when hiring the employees. 8. Socio-cultural factors (PESTLE) Age structure: 0-14 years: 15.7% (male 11,498,268/female 10,890,853) 15-24 years: 12.4% (male 9,031,057/female 8,662,557) 25-54 years: 45.8% (male 31,894,116/female 33,432,996) 55-64 years: 13.1% (male 7,926,184/female 10,711,347) 65 years and over: 13% (male 5,622,464/female 12,847,828) Most of population is in â€Å"capable of working† age. There is a competition on labor market. It is an opportunity to find employees corresponded to the standards of the company. Main religion: Christianity No requirement in the organization of labor. Thus, it is opportunity for LUKOIL to organize manufacture easily. High level of education Opportunity to attract well-qualified personnel. 9. Porter’s 5 Forces 1. Threat of New Entrants (Low) The LUKOIL is protected by high barriers to entry. Therefore the threat of new entrants is very low Huge amounts of capital expenditure are needed to perform the activities, for example the cost of refinery is almost $7 billion, the price of petrol station is $600 000. Large amounts of fixed are require for the development of oil fields and the installation of production facilities Costs for entering the industry: drilling costs, oilfield services, skilled labor, scientific research, materials and energy Only companies that operate economies of scale can survive, for example LUKOIL has been searching for oil since 1991. They invest a huge amount in up-to-date technologies making it difficult for new entrants to compete. Russia allows only national companies (or foreign companies in partnership with the national company) to exploit oil reservoirs, because it is owned by the state. It is barrier to entry. 2. Power of Suppliers (High) There are more then 100 suppliers in Russia; OAO â€Å"Gaztrubinvest†, TOO â€Å"KST Steel†, OAO â€Å"Severstal† are some of them. But their products are unique: tubular products, electric centrifugal pumps, oil cable, spurt steel framework. What gives them high bargaining power to dictate conditions. Moreover there are no substitutes, because the equipment needed for oil industry is special and impossible to replace. 3. Power of Buyers (Low) The main buyers are government and car owners. Product differentiation is low and customers don’t have opportunity to choose, only to buy. The market share of LUKOIL is almost 17% and it has contracts with government, because  they have a big chain of petrol stations. Consumers’ willingness to pay is the only power buyers have. Only very large buyers of oil such as big countries like US may influence oil price. Overall the buyer power is low 4. Threat of Substitutes (Low) At the moment customers can not switch from using oil and gas for other sources of energy. Only some European countries introduced renewable sources of energy instead of gas and oil. But there are many alternatives of energy: coal, solar, and wind power. Instead of this fact, we notice the demand for oil increases every year and there is no chance of decreasing in consumption. 5. Industry Rivalry (High) LUKOIL has 4 serious competitors: Rosneft (22% share of market), TNK-BP (14%), Surgutneftegaz (12%), Gazprom neft (6%). Even though there is a very strong rate of growth in oil and gas sector the rivalry remain small due to large switching costs, required investments for a new entrance, size of competitors, and political barriers. There is no place for small companies because of few market leaders. Also there is no possibility that competitors will offer a lower price. LUKOIL is second company that operates in Russia. The leader is Rosneft and its main competitor‎. LUKOIL has 17% share of Russian market, Rosneft 22% respectively. 10. SWOT analysis Strengths Weaknesses – 1st among the largest private oil and gas companies in the world. – 1.3% oil reserves of total reserves of oil worldwide – and second in terms of volume proven hydrocarbons reserves – about 2% of total global reserves; – Increase in oil index price in the world. – High entry barriers in the market, which eliminates small competitors. – Very sufficient technology of research and exploration. – Geographical business diversification (30 countries). – Large amount of oil reserves(17%) – Superior oil related technology. – Fully vertical and horizontal integrated. – Well supported by Russian government. – Constant increase in demand for gas and oil in Russia. – Constant research and innovation. – Production costs are relatively high compared with levels achieved by its main competitors. – The company’s communication both inside and outside is slow and bureaucratic. – Cost of environmental hazards. Opportunities Threats – Increase in oil and gas demand in Russia. – New exploration projects. – Investment into new businesses. – Iraq oil project. – Corruption. – Terrorism. – Floods. – Decrease sales (high interest rate). – Competition on the market Internal analysis Revenue $139.2 billion Employees 150.000 Recommendations Despite having a relatively good position in the regional market of Central and Eastern Europe, LUKOIL faces strong competition. In this context, LUKOIL should increase its market share through an offensive strategy of territorial expansion and to attract new customer segments. In addition, LUKOIL should ensure implementation of new technologies for modern and efficient production in terms of cost and continues its efforts to improve product quality and competitiveness, in order to meet international standards, including API and ACEA. Another important trend is the application of marketing strategies on the downstream, taking into account  the factors influencing consumer choice of stations: location, value for money, image, service, the existence of ancillary services. These strategies are reflected in the mix of marketing, in which both product and promotion play a central role.

Black House Chapter Sixteen

16 6:45 P.M. FRENCH LANDING is fogged out, fagged out, and uneasy in its heart, but quiet. The quiet won't last. Once it has started, slippage never stops for long. At Maxton's, Chipper has stayed late, and considering the leisurely (and really quite sensational) blow job being administered to him by Rebecca Vilas as he sits sprawled in his office chair, his decision to put in a little overtime isn't that surprising. In the common room, the old folks sit transfixed by Julie Andrews and The Sound of Music. Alice Weathers is actually crying with happiness Music is her all-time favorite movie. Singin' in the Rain comes close, but close never won the cigar. Among those MEC inmates who are ambulatory, only Burny is missing . . . except no one here misses him at all. Burny is deep in sleep. The spirit that now controls him the demon, we might as well say has its own agenda in French Landing, and it has used Burny roughly over these last few weeks (not that Burny's complaining; he is a very willing accomplice). On Norway Valley Road, Jack Sawyer is just pulling his Dodge Ram into Henry Leyden's driveway. The fog out here is thinner, but it still turns the truck's headlamps into soft coronas. Tonight he will recommence Bleak House at chapter 7 (â€Å"The Ghost's Walk†) and hopefully reach the end of chapter 8 (â€Å"Covering a Multitude of Sins†). But before Dickens, he has promised to listen to the Wisconsin Rat's latest candidate for hot rotation, a number called â€Å"Gimme Back My Dog† by Slob-berbone. â€Å"Every five years or so, another great rock-‘n'-roll song comes break-dancing out of the woodwork,† Henry has told him over the phone, and Jack's damned if he can't hear the Rat screaming around the edges of his friend's voice, popping wheelies out there on the edge of darkness. â€Å"This is a great rock-‘n'-roll song.† â€Å"If you say so,† Jack replies dubiously. His idea of a great rock-‘n'-roll song is â€Å"Runaround Sue,† by Dion. At 16 Robin Hood Lane (that sweet little Cape Cod honey of a home), Fred Marshall is down on his hands and knees, wearing a pair of green rubber gloves and washing the floor. He's still got Tyler's baseball cap balanced on his head, and he's weeping. Out at the Holiday Trailer Park, the Crow Gorg is dripping poison into the porches of Tansy Freneau's ears. In the sturdy brick house on Herman Street where he lives with the beautiful Sarah and the equally beautiful David, Dale Gilbertson is just getting ready to head back to the office, his movements slightly slowed by two helpings of chicken pot pie and a dish of bread pudding. When the telephone rings, he is not terribly surprised. He's had that feeling, after all. His caller is Debbi Anderson, and from her first word he knows that something has popped. He listens, nodding, asking an occasional question. His wife stands in the kitchen doorway, watching him with worried eyes. Dale bends and jots on the pad beside the phone. Sarah walks over and reads two names: Andy Railsback and M. Fine. â€Å"You've still got Railsback on the line?† he asks. â€Å"Yes, on hold â€Å" â€Å"Patch me in.† â€Å"Dale, I don't know if I know how to do that.† Debbi sounds uncharacteristically flustered. Dale closes his eyes a moment, reminds himself that this isn't her usual job. â€Å"Ernie's not there yet?† â€Å"No.† â€Å"Who is?† â€Å"Bobby Dulac . . . I think Dit might be in the shower . . .† â€Å"Put Bobby on,† Dale says, and is relieved when Bobby is able to patch him quickly and painlessly through to Andy Railsback in Morty Fine's office. The two men have been upstairs to room 314, and one look at the Polaroids scattered on the floor of George Potter's closet has been enough for Morty. He's now as pale as Andy himself. Maybe paler. Outside the police station, Ernie Therriault and Reginald â€Å"Doc† Amberson meet in the parking lot. Doc has just arrived on his old (but perfectly maintained) Harley Fat Boy. They exchange amiable greetings in the fog. Ernie Therriault is another cop sort of but relax: he's the last one we'll have to meet (well, there is an FBI agent running around here someplace, but never mind him right now; he's in Madison, and he's a fool). Ernie is a trim sixty-five, retired from full-time police duty for almost twelve years, and still four times the cop Arnold Hrabowski will ever be. He supplements his pension by doing night dispatch at the FLPD (he doesn't sleep so well these days, thanks to a cranky prostate) and pulling private security time at First Bank of Wisconsin on Fridays, when the Wells Fargo people come at two and the Brinks people at four. Doc looks every inch the Hells Angel, with his long black-and-gray beard (which he sometimes braids with ribbons in the style of the pirate Edward Teach), and he brews beer for a living, but the two men get along very well. For one thing, they recognize each other's intelligence. Ernie doesn't know if Doc really is a doctor, but he could be. Maybe at one point he was. â€Å"Anything changed?† Doc asks. â€Å"Not that I know of, my friend,† Ernie says. One of the Five comes by every night, in turn, to check. Tonight Doc's got the duty. â€Å"Mind if I walk in with you?† â€Å"Nope,† Ernie said. â€Å"Just as long as you respect the rule.† Doc nods. Some of the other Fives can be pissy about the rule (especially Sonny, who's pissy about lots of stuff ), but Doc abides by it: one cup of coffee or five minutes, whichever comes first, then down the road you go. Ernie, who saw plenty of real Hells Angels when he was a cop in Phoenix back in the seventies, appreciates how deeply patient Beezer St. Pierre and his crew have been. But of course, they are not Hells Angels, or Pagans, or Beasts on Bikes, or any of that nonsense. Ernie doesn't know exactly what they are, but he knows that they listen to Beezer, and he suspects that Beezer's patience is growing thin. Ernie knows his would be by now. â€Å"Well, then, come on in,† Ernie says, clapping the big man on the shoulder. â€Å"Let's see what's shaking.† Quite a lot, as it turns out. Dale finds he is able to think quickly and clearly. His earlier fear has left him, partly because the fuckup has already happened and the case the official case, anyway has been taken away from him. Mostly because he knows he can now call on Jack if he needs to, and Jack will answer. Jack's his safety net. He listens to Railsback's description of the Polaroids mostly letting the old fella vent and settle a bit and then asks a single question about the two photos of the boy. â€Å"Yellow,† Railsback replies with no hesitation. â€Å"The shirt was yellow. I could read the word Kiwanis on it. Nothing else. The . . . the blood . . .† Dale says he understands, and tells Railsback an officer will join them shortly. There is the sound of the phone shifting hands, and then Fine is in his ear a fellow Dale knows and doesn't much care for. â€Å"What if he comes back, Chief ? What if Potter comes back here to the hotel?† â€Å"Can you see the lobby from where you are?† â€Å"No.† Petulant. â€Å"We're in the office. I told you that.† â€Å"Then go out front. Look busy. If he comes in â€Å" â€Å"I don't want to do that. If you'd seen those pitchers, you wouldn't want to do it, either.† â€Å"You don't have to say boo to him,† Dale says. â€Å"Just call if he goes by.† â€Å"But â€Å" â€Å"Hang up the telephone, sir. I've got a lot to do.† Sarah has put her hand on her husband's shoulder. Dale puts his free one over hers. There is a click in his ear, loud enough to sound disgruntled. â€Å"Bobby, are you on?† â€Å"Right here, Chief. Debbi, too, and Dit. Oh, and Ernie just walked in.† He lowers his voice. â€Å"He's got one of those motorcycle boys with him. The one who calls himself Doc.† Dale thinks furiously. Ernie, Debbi, Dit, and Bobby: all in uniform. Not good for what he wants. He comes to a sudden decision and says, â€Å"Put the hogger on.† â€Å"What?† â€Å"You heard me.† A moment later he's talking to Doc Amberson. â€Å"You want to help bust the fucker who killed Armand St. Pierre's little girl?† â€Å"Hell, yes.† No hesitation. â€Å"All right: don't ask questions and don't make me repeat myself.† â€Å"I'm listening,† Doc says crisply. â€Å"Tell Officer Dulac to give you the blue cell phone in evidence storage, the one we took off the doper who skipped. He'll know the one I mean.† If anyone tries to star-69 a call originating from that phone, Dale knows, they won't be able to trace it back to his shop, and that's just as well. He is, after all, supposed to be off the case. â€Å"Blue cell phone.† â€Å"Then walk down to Lucky's Tavern, next to the Nelson Hotel.† â€Å"I got my bike â€Å" â€Å"No. Walk. Go inside. Buy a lottery ticket. You'll be looking for a tall man, skinny, salt-and-pepper hair, about seventy, khaki pants, maybe a khaki shirt, too. Most likely alone. His favorite roost is between the jukebox and the little hall that goes to the johns. If he's there, call the station. Just hit 911. Got all that?† â€Å"Yeah.† â€Å"Go. Really shuck your buns, Doctor.† Doc doesn't even bother to say good-bye. A moment later, Bobby's back on the phone. â€Å"What are we gonna do, Dale?† â€Å"If he's there, we're gonna take the son of a bitch,† Dale says. He's still under control, but he can feel his heartbeat accelerating, really starting to crank. The world stands out before him with a brilliance that hasn't been there since the first murder. He can feel every finger of his wife's hand on his shoulder. He can smell her makeup and her hairspray. â€Å"Get Tom Lund. And lay out three of the Kevlar vests.† He thinks that over, then says: â€Å"Make it four.† â€Å"You're going to call Hollywood?† â€Å"Yeah,† he says, â€Å"but we're not gonna wait for him.† On that he hangs up. Because he wants to bolt, he makes himself stand still for a moment. Takes a deep breath. Lets it out, then takes another. Sarah grasps his hands. â€Å"Be careful.† â€Å"Oh yeah,† Dale says. â€Å"You can take that to the bank.† He starts for the door. â€Å"What about Jack?† she calls. â€Å"I'll get him from the car,† he says without slowing. â€Å"If God's on our side, we'll have the guy in lockup before he makes it halfway to the station.† Five minutes later, Doc is standing at the bar in Lucky's, listening to Trace Adkins sing â€Å"I Left Something Turned On at Home† and scratching a Wisconsin instant-winner ticket. It actually is a winner ten bucks but most of Doc's attention is focused in the direction of the juke. He bops his shaggy head a little bit, as if he's really getting off on this particular example of Shitkicker Deluxe. Sitting at the table in the corner with a plate of spaghetti in front of him (the sauce as red as a nosebleed) and a pitcher of beer close at hand is the man he's looking for: tall even sitting down, skinny, lines grooving his tanned hound dog's face, salt-and-pepper hair neatly combed back. Doc can't really see the shirt, because the guy's got a napkin tucked into the collar, but the long leg sticking out from under the table is dressed in khaki. If Doc was entirely sure this was the baby-killing puke who did Amy, he'd make a citizen's arrest right now an extremely rough one. Fuck the cops and their Miranda shit. But maybe the guy's only a witness, or an accomplice, or something. He takes his ten-spot from the bartender, turns down the suggestion that he stay for a beer, and strolls back out into the fog. Ten steps up the hill, he takes the blue cell phone from his pocket and dials 911. This time it's Debbi who answers. â€Å"He's there,† Doc says. â€Å"What next?† â€Å"Bring the phone back,† she says, and hangs up. â€Å"Well, fuck you very much,† Doc says mildly. But he'll be a good boy. He'll play by their rules. Only first He dials another number on the blue phone (which has one more chore to do before it passes out of our tale forever) and Bear Girl answers. â€Å"Put him on, sweetness,† he says, hoping she won't tell him that Beezer's gone down to the Sand Bar. If the Beez ever goes down there alone, it'll be because he's after one thing. A bad thing. But a moment later Beezer's voice is in his ear rough, as if he's been crying. â€Å"Yeah? What?† â€Å"Round 'em up and get your heavyset ass down to the police station parking lot,† Doc tells him. â€Å"I'm not a hunnert percent certain, but I think they might be getting ready to nail the motherfucker done it. I might even have seen â€Å" Beezer is gone before Doc can get the phone off his ear and push the OFF button. He stands in the fog, looking up at the bleary lights of the French Landing cop shop, wondering why he didn't tell Beezer and the boys to meet him outside of Lucky's. He supposes he knows the answer. If Beezer got to that old guy before the cops, spaghetti might turn out to be the old guy's last meal. Better to wait, maybe. Wait and see. There's nothing but a fine mist on Herman Street, but the soup thickens almost as soon as Dale turns toward downtown. He turns on his parking lights, but they're not enough. He goes to low beams, then calls Jack's. He hears the recorded announcement start, kills the call, and dials Uncle Henry's. And Uncle Henry answers. In the background, Dale can hear a howling fuzz-tone guitar and someone growling â€Å"Gimme back my dog!† over and over. â€Å"Yes, he's just arrived,† Henry allows. â€Å"We're currently in the Musical Appreciation phase of our evening. Literature to follow. We've reached a critical juncture in Bleak House Chesney Wold, the Ghost's Walk, Mrs. Rouncewell, all of that and so unless your need is actually urgent â€Å" â€Å"It is. Put him on now, Unc.† Henry sighs. â€Å"Oui, mon capitaine.† A moment later he's talking to Jack, who of course agrees to come at once. This is good, but French Landing's police chief finds some of his friend's reactions a trifle puzzling. No, Jack doesn't want Dale to hold the arrest until he arrives. Very considerate of him to ask, also very considerate of Dale to have saved him a Kevlar vest (part of the law enforcement booty showered on the FLPD and thousands of other small police departments during the Reagan years), but Jack believes Dale and his men can nab George Potter without much trouble. The truth is, Jack Sawyer seems only slightly interested in George Potter. Ditto the horrific photos, although they must certainly be authentic; Railsback has I.D.'d Johnny Irkenham's yellow Kiwanis Little League shirt, a detail never given to the press. Even the loathsome Wen-dell Green never ferreted out that particular fact. What Jack asks about not once but several times is the guy Andy Railsback saw in the hallway. â€Å"Blue robe, one slipper, and that's all I know!† Dale is finally forced to admit. â€Å"Jesus, Jack, what does it matter? Listen, I have to get off the telephone.† â€Å"Ding-dong,† Jack replies, equably enough, and rings off. Dale turns into the foggy parking lot. He sees Ernie Therriault and the biker-brewer called Doc standing outside the back door, talking. They are little more than shadows in the drifting fog. Dale's conversation with Jack has left him feeling very uneasy, as if there are huge clues and signposts that he (dullard that he is) has entirely missed. But what clues? For Christ's sake, what signposts? And now a dash of resentment flavors his unease. Perhaps a high-powered Lucas Davenport type like Jack Sawyer just can't believe in the obvious. Perhaps guys like him are always more interested in the dog that doesn't bark. Sound travels well in the fog, and halfway to the station's back door, Dale hears motorcycle engines explode into life down by the river. Down on Nailhouse Row. â€Å"Dale,† Ernie says. He nods a greeting as if this were any ordinary evening. â€Å"Hey, Chief,† Doc chips in. He's smoking an unfiltered cigarette, looks to Dale like a Pall Mall or a Chesterfield. Some doctor, Dale thinks. â€Å"If I may egregiously misquote Misterogers,† Doc goes on, â€Å"it's a beautiful night in the neighborhood. Wouldn't you say?† â€Å"You called them,† Dale says, jerking his head in the direction of the revving motorcycles. Two pairs of headlights swing into the parking lot. Dale sees Tom Lund behind the wheel of the first car. The second vehicle is almost certainly Danny Tcheda's personal. The troops are gathering once more. Hopefully this time they can avoid any cataclysmic fuckups. They better. This time they could be playing for all the marbles. â€Å"Well, I couldn't comment on that directly,† Doc says, â€Å"but I could ask, If they were your friends, what would you do?† â€Å"Same damn thing,† Dale says, and goes inside. Henry Leyden once more sits primly in the passenger seat of the Ram pickup. Tonight he's dressed in an open-collared white shirt and a pair of trim blue khakis. Slim as a male model, silvering hair combed back. Did Sydney Carton look any cooler going to the guillotine? Even in Charles Dickens's mind? Jack doubts it. â€Å"Henry â€Å" â€Å"I know,† Henry says. â€Å"Sit here in the truck like a good little boy until I'm called.† â€Å"With the doors locked. And don't say Oui, mon capitaine. That one's wore out.† â€Å"Will affirmative do?† â€Å"Nicely.† The fog thickens as they near town, and Jack dips his headlights high beams are no good in this shit. He looks at the dashboard clock. 7:03 P.M. Things are speeding up. He's glad. Do more, think less, Jack Sawyer's recipe for E-Z care sanity. â€Å"I'll whisk you inside as soon as they've got Potter jugged.† â€Å"You don't expect them to have a problem with that, do you?† â€Å"No,† Jack says, then changes the subject. â€Å"You know, you surprised me with that Slobberbone record.† He can't really call it a song, not when the lead vocalist simply shrieked most of the lyrics at the top of his lungs. â€Å"That was good.† â€Å"It's the lead guitar that makes the record,† Henry says, picking up on Jack's careful use of the word. â€Å"Surprisingly sophisticated. Usually the best you can hope for is in tune.† He unrolls his window, sticks his head out like a dog, then pulls it back in. Speaking in that same conversational voice, he says: â€Å"The whole town reeks.† â€Å"It's the fog. It pulls up the river's stinkiest essence.† â€Å"No,† Henry replies matter-of-factly, â€Å"it's death. I smell it, and I think you do, too. Only maybe not with your nose.† â€Å"I smell it,† Jack admits. â€Å"Potter's the wrong man.† â€Å"I think so.† â€Å"The man Railsback saw was a Judas goat.† â€Å"The man Railsback saw was almost certainly the Fisherman.† They drive in silence for a while. â€Å"Henry?† â€Å"Affirmative.† â€Å"What's the best record? The best record and the best song?† Henry thinks about it. â€Å"Do you realize what a dreadfully personal question that is?† â€Å"Yes.† Henry thinks some more, then says: † ‘Stardust,' maybe. Hoagy Carmichael. For you?† The man behind the wheel thinks back, all the way back to when Jacky was six. His father and Uncle Morgan had been the jazz fiends; his mother had had simpler tastes. He remembers her playing the same song over and over one endless L.A. summer, sitting and looking out the window and smoking. Who is that lady, Mom? Jacky asks, and his mother says, Patsy Cline. She died in an airplane crash. † ‘Crazy Arms,' † Jack says. â€Å"The Patsy Cline version. Written by Ralph Mooney and Chuck Seals. That's the best record. That's the best song.† Henry says no more for the rest of the drive. Jack is crying. Henry can smell his tears. Let us now take the wider view, as some politician or other no doubt said. We almost have to, because things have begun to overlap. While Beezer and the rest of the Thunder Five are arriving in the FLPD parking lot just off Sumner Street, Dale and Tom Lund and Bobby Dulac bulky in their Kevlar vests are double-parking in front of Lucky's. They park in the street because Dale wants plenty of room to swing the back door of the cruiser wide, so that Potter can be bundled in as fast as possible. Next door, Dit Jesperson and Danny Tcheda are at the Nelson Hotel, where they will cordon off room 314 with yellow POLICE LINE tape. Once that's done, their orders are to bring Andy Railsback and Morty Fine to the police station. Inside the police station, Ernie Therriault is calling WSP officers Brown and Black, who will arrive after the fact . . . and if they're pissed about that, good deal. At the Sand Bar, a dead-eyed Tansy Freneau has just pulled the plug on the jukebox, killing the Wallfl owers. â€Å"Listen to me, everybody!† she cries in a voice that's not her own. â€Å"They've got him! They've got the baby-murdering son of a bitch! His name's Potter! They'll have him up in Madison by midnight, and unless we do something, some smart lawyer will have him back out on the street by next Monday! WHO WANTS TO HELP ME DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT?† There is a moment of silence . . . and then a roar. The half-stoned, half-drunk habitu? ¦s of the Sand Bar know exactly what they want to do about it. Jack and Henry, meanwhile, with no fog to slow them down until they hit town, swing into the police station parking lot just behind the Thunder Five, who park in a line around Doc's Fat Boy. The lot is filling up rapidly, mostly with cops' personal vehicles. Word of the impending arrest has spread like fire in dry grass. Inside, one of Dale's crew we need not bother with exactly which one spots the blue cell phone Doc used outside Lucky's. This cop grabs it and ducks into the closet-sized room marked EVIDENCE STORAGE. At the Oak Tree Inn, where he has checked in for the duration of the Fisherman case, Wendell Green is getting sullenly drunk. In spite of three double whiskeys, his neck still aches from having his camera pulled off by the biker asshole, and his gut still aches from being sucker punched by the Hollywood asshole. The parts of him that hurt most of all, however, are his pride and his pocketbook. Sawyer concealed evidence just as sure as shit sticks to a blanket. Wendell is halfway to believing that Sawyer himself is the Fisherman . . . but how can he prove either thing with his film gone? When the bartender says he has a call, Wendell almost tells him to stick the call up his ass. But he's a professional, goddamnit, a professional news hawk, and so he goes over to the bar and takes the phone. â€Å"Green,† he growls. â€Å"Hello, asshole,† says the cop with the blue cell phone. Wendell doesn't yet know his caller is a cop, only that it's some cheery ghoul poaching on his valuable drinking time. â€Å"You want to print some good news for a change?† â€Å"Good news doesn't sell papers, my pal.† â€Å"This will. We caught the guy.† â€Å"What?† In spite of the three doubles, Wendell Green is suddenly the most undrunk man on the planet. â€Å"Did I stutter?† The caller is positively gloating, but Wendell Green no longer cares. â€Å"We caught the Fisherman. Not the staties, not the Feebs, us. Name's George Potter. Early seventies. Retired builder. Had Polaroids of all three dead kids. If you hustle, you can maybe be here to snap the picture when Dale takes him inside.† This thought this shining possibility explodes in Wendell Green's head like a firework. Such a photo could be worth five times as much as one of little Irma's corpse, because the reputable mags would want it. And TV! Also, think of this: What if someone shot the bastard as Marshall Dillon was taking him in? Given the town's mood, it's far from impossible. Wendell has a brief and brilliant memory of Lee Harvey Oswald clutching his stomach, mouth open in his dying yawp. â€Å"Who is this?† he blurts. â€Å"Officer Fucking Friendly,† the voice on the other end says, and clicks off. In Lucky's Tavern, Patty Loveless is now informing those assembled (older than the Sand Bar crowd, and a good deal less interested in non-alcoholic substances) that she can't get no satisfaction and her tractor can't get no traction. George Potter has finished his spaghetti, neatly folded his napkin (which in the end had to catch only a single drop of red-sauce), and turned seriously to his beer. Sitting close to the juke as he is, he doesn't notice that the room has quieted with the entrance of three men, only one in uniform but all three armed and wearing what look too much like bulletproof vests to be anything else. â€Å"George Potter?† someone says, and George looks up. With his glass in one hand and his pitcher of suds in the other, he is a sitting duck. â€Å"Yeah, what about it?† he asks, and then he is snatched by the arms and shoulders and yanked from his spot. His knees connect with the bottom of the table, overturning it. The spaghetti plate and the pitcher hit the floor. The plate shatters. The pitcher, made of sterner stuff, does not. A woman screams. A man says, â€Å"Yow!† in a low and respectful voice. Potter holds on to his partly filled glass for a moment, and then Tom Lund plucks this potential weapon from his hand. A second later, Dale Gilbertson is snapping on the cuffs, and Dale has time to think that it's the most satisfying sound he's ever heard in his life. His tractor has finally gotten some traction, by God. This deal is light-years from the snafu at Ed's; this is slick and tidy. Less than ten seconds after Dale asked the only question â€Å"George Potter?† the suspect is out the door and into the fog. Tom has one elbow, Bobby the other. Dale is still rattling off the Miranda warning, sounding like an auctioneer on amphetamines, and George Potter's feet never touch the sidewalk. Jack Sawyer is fully alive for the first time since he was twelve years old, riding back from California in a Cadillac Eldorado driven by a werewolf. He has an idea that later on he will pay a high price for this regained vividness, but he hopes he will just button his lip and fork over when the time comes. Because the rest of his adult life now seems so gray. He stands outside his truck, looking in the window at Henry. The air is dank and already charged with excitement. He can hear the blue-white parking lot lights sizzling, like something frying in hot juices. â€Å"Henry.† â€Å"Affirmative.† â€Å"Do you know the hymn ‘Amazing Grace'?† â€Å"Of course I do. Everyone knows ‘Amazing Grace.' â€Å" Jack says, † ‘Was blind but now I see.' I understand that now.† Henry turns his blind, fearfully intelligent face toward Jack. He is smiling. It is the second-sweetest smile Jack has ever seen. The blue ribbon still goes to Wolf, that dear friend of his wandering twelfth autumn. Good old Wolf, who liked everything right here and now. â€Å"You're back, aren't you?† Standing in the parking lot, our old friend grins. â€Å"Jack's back, that's affirmative.† â€Å"Then go do what you came back to do,† Henry says. â€Å"I want you to roll up the windows.† â€Å"And not be able to hear? I think not,† Henry tells him, pleasantly enough. More cops are coming, and this time the blue lights of the lead car are flashing and the siren is blurping. Jack detects a celebratory note to those little blurps and decides he doesn't have time to stand here arguing with Henry about the Ram's windows. He heads for the back door of the police station, and two of the blue-white arcs cast his shadow double on the fog, one dark head north and one south. Part-time officers Holtz and Nestler pull in behind the car bearing Gilbertson, Lund, Dulac, and Potter. We don't care much about Holtz and Nestler. Next in line is Jesperson and Tcheda, with Railsback and Morton Fine in the back seat (Morty is complaining about the lack of knee room). We care about Railsback, but he can wait. Next into the lot oh, this is interesting, if not entirely unexpected: Wendell Green's beat-up red Toyota, with the man himself behind the wheel. Around his neck is his backup camera, a Minolta that'll keep taking pictures as long as Wendell keeps pressing the button. No one from the Sand Bar not yet but there is one more car waiting to turn into the already crowded lot. It's a discreet green Saab with a POLICE POWER sticker on the left side of the bumper and one reading HUGS NOT DRUGS on the right. Behind the wheel of the Saab, looking stunned but determined to do the right thing (whatever the right thing might be), is Arnold â€Å"the Mad Hungarian† Hrabowski. Standing in a line against the brick wall of the police station are the Thunder Five. They wear identical denim vests with gold 5's on the left breast. Five sets of meaty arms are crossed on five broad chests. Doc, Kaiser Bill, and Sonny wear their hair in thick ponytails. Mouse's is cornrowed tonight. And Beezer's floods down over his shoulders, making him look to Jack a little like Bob Seger in his prime. Earrings twinkle. Tats flex on huge biceps. â€Å"Armand St. Pierre,† Jack says to the one closest the door. â€Å"Jack Sawyer. From Ed's?† He holds out his hand and isn't exactly surprised when Beezer only looks at it. Jack smiles pleasantly. â€Å"You helped big-time out there. Thanks.† Nothing from the Beez. â€Å"Is there going to be trouble with the intake of the prisoner, do you think?† Jack asks. He might be asking if Beezer thinks it will shower after midnight. Beezer watches over Jack's shoulder as Dale, Bobby, and Tom help George Potter from the back of the cruiser and begin walking him briskly toward the back door. Wendell Green raises his camera, then is nearly knocked off his feet by Danny Tcheda, who doesn't even have the pleasure of seeing which asshole he's bumped. â€Å"Watch it, dick-weed,† Wendell squawks. Beezer, meanwhile, favors Jack if that is the word with a brief, cold glance. â€Å"Wellnow,† he says. â€Å"We'll have to see how it shakes out, won't we?† â€Å"Indeed we will,† Jack agrees. He sounds almost happy. He pushes in between Mouse and Kaiser Bill, making himself a place: the Thunder Five Plus One. And perhaps because they sense he doesn't fear them, the two wide-boys make room. Jack crosses his own arms over his chest. If he had a vest, an earring, and a tattoo, he really would fit right in. The prisoner and his custodians kill the distance between the car and the building quickly. Just before they reach it, Beezer St. Pierre, spiritual leader of the Thunder Five and father of Amy, whose liver and tongue were eaten, steps in front of the door. His arms are still folded. In the heartless glare of the parking lot lights, his massive biceps are blue. Bobby and Tom suddenly look like guys with a moderate case of the flu. Dale looks stony. And Jack continues to smile gently, arms placidly crossed, seeming to gaze everywhere and nowhere at once. â€Å"Get out of the way, Beezer,† Dale says. â€Å"I want to book this man.† And what of George Potter? Is he stunned? Resigned? Both? It's hard to tell. But when Beezer's bloodshot blue eyes meet Potter's brown ones, Potter does not drop his gaze. Behind him, the lookie-loos in the parking lot fall silent. Standing between Danny Tcheda and Dit Jesperson, Andy Railsback and Morty Fine are gawking. Wendell Green raises his camera and then holds his breath like a sniper who's lucked into a shot just one, mind you at the commanding general. â€Å"Did you kill my daughter?† Beezer asks. The gentle inquiry is somehow more terrible than any raw yell could have been, and the world seems to hold its breath. Dale makes no move. In that moment he seems as frozen as the rest of them. The world waits, and the only sound is a low, mournful hoot from some fogbound boat on the river. â€Å"Sir, I never killed no one,† Potter says. He speaks softly and without emphasis. Although he has expected nothing else, the words still box Jack's heart. There is an unexpected painful dignity in them. It's as if George Potter is speaking for all the lost good men of the world. â€Å"Stand aside, Beezer,† Jack says gently. â€Å"You don't want to hurt this guy.† And Beezer, looking suddenly not at all sure of himself, does stand aside. Before Dale can get his prisoner moving again, a raucously cheerful voice it can only be Wendell's yells out: â€Å"Hey! Hey, Fisherman! Smile for the camera!† They all look around, not just Potter. They have to; that cry is as insistent as fingernails dragged slowly down a slate blackboard. White light strobes the foggy parking lot one! two! three! four! and Dale snarls. â€Å"Aw, fuck me till I cry! Come on, you guys! Jack! Jack, I want you!† From behind them, one of the other cops calls, â€Å"Dale! You want me to grab this creep?† â€Å"Leave him alone!† Dale shouts, and bulls his way inside. It's not until the door is closed behind him and he's in the lower hall with Jack, Tom, and Bobby that Dale realizes how certain he was that Beezer would simply snatch the old man away from him. And then crack his neck like a chicken bone. â€Å"Dale?† Debbi Anderson calls uncertainly from halfway down the stairs. â€Å"Is everything all right?† Dale looks at Jack, who still has his arms crossed over his chest and is still smiling his little smile. â€Å"I think it is,† Dale says. â€Å"For now.† Twenty minutes later, Jack and Henry (the latter gentleman retrieved from the truck and still reet-petite) sit in Dale's office. Beyond the closed door, the ready room roars with conversation and laughter: almost every cop on the FLPD force is out there, and it sounds like a god-damn New Year's Eve party. There are occasional shouts and smacking sounds that can only be relieved boys (and girls) in blue high-fiving each other. In a little while Dale will put a stop to that shit, but for now he's content to let them go ahead. He understands how they feel, even though he no longer feels that way himself. George Potter has been printed and stuck in a cell upstairs to think things over. Brown and Black of the State Police are on their way. For now, that is enough. As for triumph . . . well, something about his friend's smile and his faraway eyes have put triumph on hold. â€Å"I didn't think you were going to give Beezer his moment,† Jack says. â€Å"It's a good thing you did. There might have been trouble right here in River City if you'd tried to face him down.† â€Å"I suppose I have a better idea tonight of how he feels,† Dale replies. â€Å"I lost track of my own kid tonight, and it scared the living shit out of me.† â€Å"David?† Henry cries, leaning forward. â€Å"Is David okay?† â€Å"Yeah, Uncle Henry, Dave's fine.† Dale returns his gaze to the man who now lives in his father's house. He's remembering the first time Jack ever laid eyes on Thornberg Kinderling. Dale had at that point known Jack only nine days long enough to form some favorable opinions, but not long enough to realize how really extraordinary Jack Sawyer was. That was the day Janna Massengale at the Taproom told Jack about the trick Kinderling did when he was getting squiffy, that little trick of pinching his nostrils shut with his palm turned out to the world. They had just arrived back at the police station from interviewing Janna, Dale in his personal unit that day, and he'd touched Jack on the shoulder just as Jack was about to get out of the car. â€Å"Speak a name, see the face it belongs to before suppertime, that's what my mother used to say.† He pointed down to Second Street, where a broad-shouldered bald fellow had just come out of News ‘n Notions, a newspaper under his arm and a fresh deck of smokes in his hand. â€Å"That's Thornberg Kinderling, his very own self.† Jack had bent forward without speaking, looking with the sharpest (and perhaps the most merciless) eyes Dale had ever seen in his life. â€Å"Do you want to approach him?† Dale had asked. â€Å"No. Hush.† And Jack simply sat with one leg in Dale's car and one out of it, not moving, eyes narrowed. So far as Dale could tell, he didn't even breathe. Jack watched Kinderling open his cigarettes, tap one out, put it in his mouth, and light it. He watched Kinderling glance at the headline of the Herald and then saunter to his own car, an all-wheel-drive Subaru. Watched him get in. Watched him drive away. And by that time, Dale realized he was holding his own breath. â€Å"Well?† he'd asked when the Kinderling-mobile was gone. â€Å"What do you think?† And Jack had said, â€Å"I think he's the guy.† Only Dale had known better. Even then he had known better. Jack was saying I think only because he and Chief Dale Gilbertson of French Landing, Wisconsin, were still on short terms, getting-to-know-you, getting-to-work-with-you terms. What he had meant was I know. And although that was impossible, Dale had quite believed him. Now, sitting in his office with Jack directly across the desk from him his reluctant but scarily gifted deputy Dale asks, â€Å"What do you think? Did he do it?† â€Å"Come on, Dale, how can I â€Å" â€Å"Don't waste my time, Jack, because those assholes from WSP are going to be here any minute and they'll take Potter heigh-ho over the hills. You knew it was Kinderling the second you looked at him, and you were halfway down the block. You were close enough to Potter when I brought him in to count the hairs in his nose. So what do you think?† Jack is quick, at least; spares him the suspense and just administers the chop. â€Å"No,† he says. â€Å"Not Potter. Potter's not the Fisherman.† Dale has known that Jack believes this knew it from his face outside but hearing it is still an unhappy thump. He sits back, disappointed. â€Å"Deduction or intuition?† Henry asks. â€Å"Both,† Jack says. â€Å"And stop looking like I plugged your mother, Dale. You may still have the key to this thing.† â€Å"Railsback?† Jack makes a seesawing gesture with one hand maybe, maybe not, it says. â€Å"Railsback probably saw what the Fisherman wanted him to see . . . although the single slipper is intriguing, and I want to ask Rails-back about it. But if Mr. One-Slipper was the Fisherman, why would he lead Railsback and us to Potter?† â€Å"To get us off his trail,† Dale says. â€Å"Oh, have we been on it?† Jack asks politely, and when neither of them answers: â€Å"But say he thinks we're on his trail. I can almost buy that, especially if he just remembered some goof he might have made.† â€Å"Nothing back yet on the 7-Eleven phone one way or the other, if that's what you're thinking of,† Dale tells him. Jack appears to ignore this. His eyes gaze off into the middle distance. That little smile is back on his face. Dale looks at Henry and sees Henry looking at Jack. Unc's smile is easier to read: relief and delight. Look at that, Dale thinks. He's doing what he was built to do. By God, even a blind man can see it. â€Å"Why Potter?† Jack finally repeats. â€Å"Why not one of the Thunder Five, or the Hindu at the 7-Eleven, or Ardis Walker down at the bait shop? Why not Reverend Hovdahl? What motive usually surfaces when you uncover a frame job?† Dale thinks it over. â€Å"Payback,† he says at last. â€Å"Revenge.† In the ready room, a phone rings. â€Å"Shut up, shut up!† Ernie bellows to the others. â€Å"Let's try to act professional here for thirty seconds or so!† Jack, meanwhile, is nodding at Dale. â€Å"I think I need to question Potter, and rather closely.† Dale looks alarmed. â€Å"Then you better get on it right away, before Brown and Black † He comes to a halt, frowning, with his head cocked. A rumbling sound has impinged on his attention. It's low, but rising. â€Å"Uncle Henry, what's that?† â€Å"Motors,† Henry says promptly. â€Å"A lot of them. They're east of here, but coming this way. Edge of town. And I don't know if you've noticed this, but it sounds like the party next door is like, over, dude.† As if this were a cue, Ernie Therriault's distressed cry comes through the door. â€Å"Ohhhh, shit.† Dit Jesperson: â€Å"What's â€Å" Ernie: â€Å"Get the chief. Aw, never mind, I'll † There is a single perfunctory knock and then Ernie's looking in at the brain trust. He's as collected and soldierly as ever, but his cheeks have paled considerably beneath his summer tan, and a vein is pulsing in the middle of his forehead. â€Å"Chief, I just took a call on the 911, twenty was the Sand Bar?† â€Å"That hole,† Dale mutters. â€Å"Caller was the bartender. Says about fifty to seventy people are on their way.† By now the sound of approaching engines is very loud. It sounds to Henry like the Indy 500 just before the pace car runs for dear life and the checkered flag drops. â€Å"Don't tell me,† Dale says. â€Å"What do I need to make my day complete? Let me think. They're coming to take my prisoner.† â€Å"Umm, yes, sir, that's what the caller said,† Ernie agrees. Behind him, the other cops are silent. In that moment they don't look like cops at all to Dale. They look like nothing but dismayed faces crudely drawn on a dozen or so white balloons (also two black ones can't forget Pam Stevens and Bob Holtz). The sound of the engines continues to grow. â€Å"Also might want to know one other thing the caller said?† â€Å"Christ, what?† â€Å"Said the, um . . .† Ernie searches for a word that isn't mob. â€Å"The protest group was being led by the Freneau girl's mom?† â€Å"Oh . . . my . . . Christ,† Dale says. He gives Jack a look of sick panic and utter frustration the look of a man who knows he is dreaming but can't seem to wake up no matter how hard he tries. â€Å"If I lose Potter, Jack, French Landing is going to be the lead story on CNN tomorrow morning.† Jack opens his mouth to reply, and the cell phone in his pocket picks that moment to start up its annoying tweet. Henry Leyden immediately crosses his arms and tucks his hands into his armpits. â€Å"Don't hand it to me,† he says. â€Å"Cell phones give you cancer. We agreed on that.† Dale, meanwhile, has left the room. As Jack digs for the cell phone (thinking someone has picked a cataclysmically shitty time to ask him about his network television preferences), Henry follows his nephew, walking briskly with his hands now held slightly out, fingers gently fluttering the air, seeming to read the currents for obstacles. Jack hears Dale saying that if he sees a single drawn weapon, the person who drew it will join Arnie Hrabowski on the suspension list. Jack is thinking exactly one thing: no one is taking Potter anywhere until Jack Sawyer has had time to put a few pointed questions. No way. He flicks the cell phone open and says, â€Å"Not now, whoever you are. We've got â€Å" â€Å"Hidey-ho, Travelin' Jack,† says the voice from the phone, and for Jack Sawyer the years once more roll away. â€Å"Speedy?† â€Å"The very one,† Speedy says. Then the drawl is gone. The voice becomes brisk and businesslike. â€Å"And as one coppiceman to another, son, I think you ought to visit Chief Gilbertson's private bathroom. Right now.† Outside, there are enough vehicles arriving to shake the building. Jack has a bad feeling about this; has since he heard Ernie say who was leading the fools' parade. â€Å"Speedy, I don't exactly have the time to visit the facilities right n â€Å" â€Å"You haven't got time to visit anyplace else,† Speedy replies coldly. Only now he's the other one. The hard boy named Parkus. â€Å"What you're gonna find there you can use twice. But if you don't use it almighty quick the first time, you won't need it the second time. Because that man is gonna be up a lamppost.† And just like that, Speedy is gone. When Tansy leads the willing patrons into the Sand Bar's parking lot, there is none of the carnival raucousness that was the keynote of the cluster fuck at Ed's Eats & Dawgs. Although most of the folks we met at Ed's have been spending the evening in the Bar, getting moderately to seriously tanked, they are quiet, even funereal, as they follow Tansy out and fire up their cars and pickups. But it's a savage funereality. She has taken something in from Gorg some stone powerful poison and passed it along to them. In the belt of her slacks is a single crow feather. Doodles Sanger takes her arm and guides her sweetly to Teddy Runkleman's International Harvester pickup. When Tansy heads for the truck bed (which already holds two men and one hefty female in a white rayon waitress's uniform), Doodles steers her toward the cab. â€Å"No, honey,† Doodles says, â€Å"you sit up there. Be comfy.† Doodles wants that last place in the truck bed. She's spotted something, and knows just what to do with it. Doodles is quick with her hands, always has been. The fog isn't thick this far from the river, but after two dozen cars and trucks have spun out of the Bar's dirt parking lot, following Teddy Runkleman's dented, one-taillight I.H., you can barely see the tavern. Inside, only half a dozen people are left these were somehow immune to Tansy's eerily powerful voice. One of them is Stinky Cheese, the bartender. Stinky has a lot of liquid assets to protect out here and isn't going anywhere. When he calls 911 and speaks to Ernie Therriault, it will be mostly in the spirit of petulance. If he can't go along and enjoy the fun, by God, at least he can spoil it for the rest of those monkeys. Twenty vehicles leave the Sand Bar. By the time the caravan passes Ed's Eats (the lane leading to it cordoned off by yellow tape) and the NO TRESPASSING sign alongside the overgrown lane to that queer forgotten house (not cordoned off; not even noticed, for that matter), the caravan has grown to thirty. There are fifty cars and trucks rolling down both lanes of Highway 35 by the time the mob reaches Goltz's, and by the time it passes the 7-Eleven, there must be eighty vehicles or more, and maybe two hundred and fifty people. Credit this unnaturally rapid swelling to the ubiquitous cell phone. Teddy Runkleman, oddly silent (he is, in fact, afraid of the pallid woman sitting beside him her snarling mouth and her wide, unblinking eyes), brings his old truck to a halt in front of the FLPD parking lot entrance. Sumner Street is steep here, and he sets the parking brake. The other vehicles halt behind him, filling the street from side to side, rumbling through rusty mufflers and blatting through broken exhaust pipes. Misaligned headlights stab the fog like searchlight beams at a movie premiere. The night's dank wet-fish smell has been overlaid with odors of burning gas, boiling oil, and cooking clutch lining. After a moment, doors begin to open and then clap shut. But there is no conversation. No yelling. No indecorous yee-haw whooping. Not tonight. The newcomers stand in clusters around the vehicles that brought them, watching as the people in the back of Teddy's truck either jump over the sides or slip off the end of the tailgate, watching as Teddy crosses to the passenger d oor, at this moment as attentive as a young man arriving with his date at the junior prom, watching as he helps down the slim young woman who has lost her daughter. The mist seems to outline her somehow, and give her a bizarre electric aura, the same blue of the sodium lights on Beezer's upper arms. The crowd gives out a collective (and weirdly amorous) sigh when it sees her. She is what connects them. All her life, Tansy Freneau has been the forgotten one even Cubby Freneau forgot her eventually, running off to Green Bay and leaving her here to work odd jobs and collect the ADC. Only Irma remembered her, only Irma cared, and now Irma is dead. Not here to see (unless she's looking down from heaven, Tansy thinks in some distant and ever-receding part of her mind) her mother suddenly idolized. Tansy Freneau has tonight become the dearest subject of French Landing's eye and heart. Not its mind, because its mind is temporarily gone (perhaps in search of its conscience), but certainly o f its eye and heart, yes. And now, as delicately as the girl she once was, Doodles Sanger approaches this woman of the hour. What Doodles spotted lying on the floor of Teddy's truck bed was an old length of rope, dirty and oily but thick enough to do the trick. Below Doodles's petite fist hangs the noose that her clever hands have fashioned on the ride into town. She hands it to Tansy, who holds it up in the misty light. The crowd lets out another sigh. Noose raised, looking like a female Diogenes in search of an honest man rather than of a cannibal in need of lynching, Tansy walks delicate herself in her jeans and bloodstained sweatshirt into the parking lot. Teddy, Doodles, and Freddy Saknessum walk behind her, and behind them come the rest. They move toward the police station like the tide. The Thunder Five are still standing with their backs to the brick wall and their arms folded. â€Å"What the fuck do we do?† Mouse asks. â€Å"I don't know about you,† Beezer says, â€Å"but I'm gonna stand here until they grab me, which they probably will.† He's looking at the woman with the upraised noose. He's a big boy and he's been in a lot of hard corners, but this chick frightens him with her blank, wide eyes, like the eyes of a statue. And there's something stuck in her belt. Something black. Is it a knife? Some kind of dagger? â€Å"And I'm not gonna fight, because it won't work.† â€Å"They'll lock the door, right?† Doc asks nervously. â€Å"I mean, the cops'll lock the door.† â€Å"I imagine,† Beezer says, never taking his eyes from Tansy Freneau. â€Å"But if these folks want Potter, they'll have him on the half shell. Look at 'em, for Christ's sake. There's a couple of hundred.† Tansy stops, the noose still held up. â€Å"Bring him out,† she says. Her voice is louder than it should be, as if some doctor has cunningly hidden an amplifying gadget in her throat. â€Å"Bring him out. Give us the killer!† Doodles joins in. â€Å"Bring him out!† And Teddy. â€Å"Give us the killer!† And Freddy. â€Å"Bring him out! Give us the killer!† And then the rest. It could almost be the sound track of George Rathbun's Badger Barrage, only instead of â€Å"Block that kick!† or â€Å"On Wisconsin!† they are screaming, â€Å"BRING HIM OUT! GIVE US THE KILLER!† â€Å"They're gonna take him,† Beezer murmurs. He turns to his troops, his eyes both fierce and frightened. Sweat stands out on his broad forehead in large perfect drops. â€Å"When she's got 'em pumped up to high, she'll come and they'll be right on her ass. Don't run, don't even unfold your arms. And when they grab you, let it happen. If you want to see daylight tomorrow, let it happen.† The crowd stands knee-deep in fog like spoiled skim milk, chanting, â€Å"BRING HIM OUT! GIVE US THE KILLER!† Wendell Green is chanting right along with them, but that doesn't keep him from continuing to take pictures. Because shit, this is the story of a lifetime. From the door behind Beezer, there's a click. Yeah, they locked it, he thinks. Thanks, you whores. But it's the latch, not the lock. The door opens. Jack Sawyer steps out. He walks past Beezer without looking or reacting as Beez mutters, â€Å"Hey, man, I wouldn't go near her.† Jack advances slowly but not hesitantly into the no-man's-land between the building and the mob with the woman standing at its head, Lady Liberty with the upraised hangman's noose instead of a torch in her hand. In his simple gray collarless shirt and dark pants, Jack looks like a cavalier from some old romantic tale advancing to propose marriage. The flowers he holds in his own hand add to this impression. These tiny white blooms are what Speedy left for him beside the sink in Dale's bathroom, a cluster of impossibly fragrant white blossoms. They are lilies of the vale, and they are from the Territories. Speedy left him no explanation about how to use them, but Jack needs none. The crowd falls silent. Only Tansy, lost in the world Gorg has made for her, continues to chant: â€Å"Bring him out! Give us the killer!† She doesn't stop until Jack is directly in front of her, and he doesn't kid himself that it's his handsome face or dashing figure that ends the too loud repetition. It is the smell of the flowers, their sweet and vibrant smell the exact opposite of the meaty stench that hung over Ed's Eats. Her eyes clear . . . a little, at least. â€Å"Bring him out,† she says to Jack. Almost a question. â€Å"No,† he says, and the word is filled with heartbreaking tenderness. â€Å"No, dear.† Behind them, Doodles Sanger suddenly thinks of her father for the first time in maybe twenty years and begins to weep. â€Å"Bring him out,† Tansy pleads. Now her own eyes are filling. â€Å"Bring out the monster who killed my pretty baby.† â€Å"If I had him, maybe I would,† Jack says. â€Å"Maybe I would at that.† Although he knows better. â€Å"But the guy we've got's not the guy you want. He's not the one.† â€Å"But Gorg said â€Å" Here is a word he knows. One of the words Judy Marshall tried to eat. Jack, not in the Territories but not entirely in this world right now either, reaches forward and plucks the feather from her belt. â€Å"Did Gorg give you this?† â€Å"Yes â€Å" Jack lets it drop, then steps on it. For a moment he thinks knows that he feels it buzzing angrily beneath the sole of his shoe, like a half-crushed wasp. Then it stills. â€Å"Gorg lies, Tansy. Whatever Gorg is, he lies. The man in there is not the one.† Tansy lets out a great wail and drops the rope. Behind her, the crowd sighs. Jack puts his arm around her and again he thinks of George Potter's painful dignity; he thinks of all the lost, struggling along without a single clean Territories dawn to light their way. He hugs her to him, smelling sweat and grief and madness and coffee brandy. In her ear, Jack whispers: â€Å"I'll catch him for you, Tansy.† She stiffens. â€Å"You . . .† â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"You . . . promise?† â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"He's not the one?† â€Å"No, dear.† â€Å"You swear?† Jack hands her the lilies and says, â€Å"On my mother's name.† She lowers her nose to the flowers and inhales deeply. When her head comes up again, Jack sees that the danger has left her, but not the insanity. She's one of the lost ones now. Something has gotten to her. Maybe if the Fisherman is caught, it will leave her. Jack would like to believe that. â€Å"Someone needs to take this lady home,† Jack says. He speaks in a mild, conversational voice, but it still carries to the crowd. â€Å"She's very tired and full of sadness.† â€Å"I'll do it,† Doodles says. Her cheeks gleam with tears. â€Å"I'll take her in Teddy's truck, and if he don't give me the keys, I'll knock him down. I â€Å" And that's when the chant starts again, this time from back in the crowd: â€Å"Bring him out! Give us the killer! Give us the Fisherman! Bring out the Fisherman!† For a moment it's a solo job, and then a few other hesitant voices begin to join in and lend harmony. Still standing with his back against the bricks, Beezer St. Pierre says: â€Å"Ah, shit. Here we go again.† Jack forbade Dale to come out into the parking lot with him, saying that the sight of Dale's uniform might set off the crowd. He didn't mention the little bouquet of flowers he was holding, and Dale barely noticed them; he was too terrified of losing Potter to Wisconsin's first lynching of the new millennium. He followed Jack downstairs, however, and has now commandeered the peephole in the door by right of seniority. The rest of the FLPD is still upstairs, looking out of the ready-room windows. Henry has ordered Bobby Dulac to give him a running play-by-play. Even in his current state of worry about Jack (Henry thinks there's at least a 40 percent chance the mob will either trample him or tear him apart), Henry is amused and flattered to realize that Bobby is doing George Rathbun without even realizing it. â€Å"Okay, Hollywood's out there . . . he approaches the woman . . . no sign of fear . . . the rest of them are quiet . . . Jack and the woman appear to be talking . . . and holy jeezum, he's givin' her a bouquet of flowers! What a ploy!† â€Å"Ploy† is one of George Rathbun's favorite sports terms, as in The Brew Crew's hit-and-run ploy failed yet again last night at Miller Park. â€Å"She's turnin' away!† Bobby yells jubilantly. He grabs Henry's shoulder and shakes it. â€Å"Hot damn, I think it's over! I think Jack turned her off!† â€Å"Even a blind man could see he turned her off,† Henry says. â€Å"Just in time, too,† Bobby says. â€Å"Here's Channel Five and there's another truck with one of those big orange poles on it . . . Fox-Milwaukee, I think . . . and â€Å" â€Å"Bring him out!† a voice outside begins yelling. It sounds cheated and indignant. â€Å"Give us the killer! Give us the Fisherman!† â€Å"Oh nooo!† Bobby says, even now sounding like George Rathbun, telling his morning-after audience how another Badger rally had started to fizzle. â€Å"Not nowwww, not with the TV here! That's â€Å" â€Å"Bring out the Fisherman!† Henry already knows who that is. Even through two layers of chicken-wire-reinforced glass, that high, yapping cry is impossible to mistake. Wendell Green understands his job don't ever make the mistake of thinking he doesn't. His job is to report the news, to analyze the news, to sometimes photojournalize the news. His job is not to make the news. But tonight he can't help it. This is the second time in the last twelve hours that a career maker of a story has been extended to his grasping, pleading hands, only to be snatched away at the last second. â€Å"Bring him out!† Wendell bawls. The raw strength in his voice surprises, then thrills him â€Å"Give us the killer! Give us the Fisherman!† The sound of other voices joining in with his provides an incredible rush. It is, as his old college roommate used to say, a real zipper buster. Wendell takes a step forward, his chest swelling, his cheeks reddening, his confidence building. He's vaguely aware that the Action News Five truck is rolling slowly toward him through the crowd. Soon there will be 10-k's and 5-k's shining through the fog; soon there will be TV cameras rolling tape by their harsh light. So what? If the woman in the blood-spattered sweatshirt was in the end too chicken to stand up for her own kid, Wendell will do it for her! Wendell Green, shining exemplar of civic responsibility! Wendell Green, leader of the people! He begins to pump his camera up and down. It's exhilarating. Like being back in college! At a Skynyrd concert! Stoned! It's like There is a huge flash in front of Wendell Green's eyes. Then the lights go out. All of them. â€Å"ARNIE HIT HIM WITH HIS FLASHLIGHT!† Bobby is screaming. He grabs Dale's blind uncle by the shoulders and whirls him in a delirious circle. A thick aroma of Aqua Velva descends toward Henry, who knows Bobby's going to kiss him on both cheeks, French style, a second before Bobby actually does this. And when Bobby's narration resumes, he sounds as transported as George Rathbun on those rare occasions when the local sports teams actually buck the odds and grab the gold. â€Å"Can you believe it, the Mad Hungarian hit him with his ever-lovin' flashlight and . . . GREEN'S DOWN! THE FUCKIN' HUNGARIAN HAS PUT EVERYONE'S FAVORITE ASSHOLE REPORTER ON THE MAT! WAY TO GO, HRABOWSKI!† All around them, cops are cheering at the tops of their lungs. Debbi Anderson starts chanting â€Å"We Are the Champions,† and other voices quickly lend support. These are strange days in French Landing, Henry thinks. He stands with his hands in his pockets, smiling, listening to the bedlam. There's no lie in the smile; he's happy. But he's also uneasy in his heart. Afraid for Jack. Afraid for all of them, really. â€Å"That was good work, man,† Beezer tells Jack. â€Å"I mean, balls to the wall.† Jack nods. â€Å"Thanks.† â€Å"I'm not going to ask you again if that was the guy. You say he's not, he's not. But anything we can do to help you find the right one, you just call us.† The other members of the Thunder Five rumble assent; Kaiser Bill gives Jack a friendly bop on the shoulder. It will probably leave a bruise. â€Å"Thanks,† Jack says again. Before he can knock on the door, it's opened. Dale grabs him and gives him a crushing embrace. When their chests touch, Jack can feel Dale's heart beating hard and fast. â€Å"You saved my ass,† Dale says into his ear. â€Å"Anything I can do â€Å" â€Å"You can do something, all right,† Jack says, pulling him inside. â€Å"I saw another cop car behind the news trucks. Couldn't tell for sure, but I think this one was blue.† â€Å"Oh-oh,† Dale says. â€Å"Oh-oh is right. I need at least twenty minutes with Potter. It might not get us anything, but it might get us a lot. Can you hold off Brown and Black for twenty minutes?† Dale gives his friend a grim little smile. â€Å"I'll see you get half an hour. Minimum.† â€Å"That's great. And the 911 tape of the Fisherman's call, do you still have that?† â€Å"It went with the rest of the evidence we were holding after Brown and Black took the case. A trooper picked it up this afternoon.† â€Å"Dale, no!† â€Å"Easy, big boy. I've got a cassette copy, safe in my desk.† Jack pats his chest. â€Å"Don't scare me that way.† â€Å"Sorry,† Dale says, thinking, Seeing you out there, I wouldn't have guessed you were afraid of anything. Halfway up the stairs, Jack remembers Speedy telling him he could use what had been left in the bathroom twice . . . but he has given the flowers to Tansy Freneau. Shit. Then he cups his hands over his nose, inhales, and smiles. Maybe he still has them after all.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Assignment1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Assignment1 - Essay Example Its major function is to carry the genetic information to the cytoplasm for the protein synthesis process. However, DNA is present in the nucleus mainly to store the genetic information. DNA is short lived and double stranded while mRND is single stranded and has a short lifespan. A DNA chemical test can be carried out to observe their performance in genetic synthesis. c. Starch and cellulose are polymers having very similar characteristics. They have similar glucose based repeat units and are made up of the same monomer. However, all the repeated units in starch are oriented in one direction while in cellulose; every successive unit of glucose is rotated 180 degrees of around the axis of the backbone chain of the polymer. In experiments, starch is soluble in warm water while cellulose is tough and can only be broken down into simpler units when treated with acids at high temperatures. Starch is therefore used as a major source of energy in human food while cellulose is used in making fibre materials (Markussen et al., 2002). d. Amylose is a D-glucose unit polysaccharide that forms 20-30% of the total starch structure while Amylopectin forms the remaining percentage of the cell starch structure. In experiments, the amylase components do not dissolve in water while Amylopectin dissolves in water. Structurally, Amylose can appear in a pair of distinct helical forms or in a distorted amorphous confirmation. Amylopectin , however, has a non-random branching determined by enzymes and glucose residues (Markussen et al., 2002). e. Myoglobin is a monomer that binds oxygen more tightly than hemoglobin as reflected when oxygen is in the bloodstream is observed to move from hemoglobin to myoglobin. On the other hand, hemoglobin is a tetramer made up of a pair of related subunits of alpha and beta. Their functional difference can be observed in an oxygen uptake experiment under similar conditions for oxygen

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Operations planning & control Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Operations planning & control - Case Study Example eport aims to analyse the case of the Ringinglow farm in terms of operational capacity and planning issues, and based on the findings to recommend the next steps to Fred and Gillan Giles. In order to increase returns on assets and to achieve the extra sales targets Gillian has decided to increase the number of farm visitors by 35 per cent through all the opening months in 2015. However, before making a final decision, it is necessary to analyze the demand for farm visits and the capacities. According to the information given in the case study, the number of visitors on weekend (Saturday and Sundays) is two times higher than on workdays. Therefore, it is possible to calculate the peak demand in 2014 and 2015 on a monthly basis. The data shows that the peak month in the Ringinglow farm is August (4258 visitors in 2014). Then, average weekly demand on Aug 2014 was 1064,5 visitors/week (=4258/4). On Saturdays or Sundays (August 2014) an average number of visitors was approximately 354 visitors per day (1/3 of 1064). Assuming that in 2015, the number of far visitors will increase by 35 per cent, during a peak month in August 2015, an average number of visitors will be 5748. The average weekly demand on August 2015 should be approximately 1437 visitors per week (=5748/4). On Saturdays or Sundays (August 2015) an average number of visitors was approximately 479 visitors per day (1/3 of 1437).Therefore, the pattern of farm visitors’ attendance is over 479 people on the peak day (Saturday or Sunday). As it has been identified in the case study, the parking capacity is 45 car spaces, and 6 spaces for 40-seater coaches. Assuming that the number of visitors arriving in one car will be 4, it is possible to say that the maximum car parking capacity is 180 people, and 240 people by coaches. Therefore, the maximum capacity of car parking per day is 420 people. Taking into consideration the fact that the forecasted number of visitors for 2015 during peak season in peak days

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Age of New Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Age of New Media - Essay Example Back home the same thing happens, open the laptop to do some work and some online surfing or online movie watching. Modern technology, specifically new media, has truly integrated itself into our daily lives. And it is not only adults that live by such lifestyle. From young children to teenagers, new media has become a way of life in the whole world. Vryzas and Tsitouridou (2002, pp. 9-17) examined how much access to home computers do children have in Greece. Of the 993 randomly chosen respondents, 305 had computers at home. These children could already make full use of the features of the computer after being taught by their older siblings or parents. The main activity that they did was play games using the computer. But they would also use other applications. Just what is new media? One definition could be â€Å"immediately suggests something far less settled [than â€Å"the media†] known, and identified†¦on the one hand, a rapidly changing set of formal and technological experiments and, on the other, a complex set of interactions between new technological possibilities and established media forms (Lister, 2003, p. 10-11). The term new media is so wide that it includes practically everything and anything that we use in modern times—digital, electronic, interactive, computer-mediated. And people have different concepts for the term so that â€Å"while a person using new media may have one kind of thing in mind (the Internet), others may mean something else (digital TV, new ways of imaging the body, a virtual environment or game)†, therefore the term refers to a â€Å"broad cultural resonance rather than a narrow technicist or specialist application† (Lister, 2003, p. 10-11) With all the explosion of new sites and activities using new media, especially those that can be found on the Internet, Lister’s definition encompasses a very broad range indeed. There are the social networking sites such as Facebook, Friendster, and MySpace,